How to teach your child to love books? (3-5 years old)

Age 3 to 5 years This is the period of active growing up of the baby. This age suggests that you can finally ask your child questions as you read.

1. Read and discuss. Again, don’t limit yourself to just text. Describe the pictures, explain and talk to your child about what is happening in the book. Remember to ask your little one about who, where, and when does certain things. However, do not forget that the child needs sufficient time to respond.

2. Visit libraries. Reinforce your child’s interest in books by visiting libraries or bookstores. Show your toddler how many people are out there who really enjoy reading books. Also, let your child choose which book to pick up and read at home.

Books to choose for this age: – Books that tell interesting stories. – Literature that teaches you to count, read and find some details on the pages. – Books with simple texts that the kid can easily remember. – Books about the school. – Literature on how to make friends. – Books about children who are like your toddler and who like the same things. And also about those whose style and place of residence are completely different.

A book is a basic source of knowledge for every person. Therefore, it is very important that the children enjoy interacting with them. Who, if not we, parents, can really help a child in this matter? So, read to your children more often and help them move in the right direction.