How to teach your child to love books? (12-18 month)

At this age, babies become more and more independent. Listen to your child and let him stop and interrupt you.

1. Read and research. Study with the children the illustrations that appear on the pages of the book. For example, look at the picture in the book and ask your child what he sees. As you explore and name objects, your child’s vocabulary will constantly expand.

2. Be mobile and understanding. Read on every day, but be open to suggestions from your baby. When a child begins to walk, holding him in his arms becomes a real challenge. Some toddlers like to move while reading, they can run all the time while you read to them. And there is nothing wrong with that. It’s also okay if your toddler wants to stop listening to the story at one point or another.

Books to choose for this age: – Books with a sturdy cover that the child can hold on their own. – Books that are able to show the kid things that he himself often does. For example, games, eating, sleeping. – Literature for a better process of falling asleep. – Books with simple rhymes or a predictable plot. – Books where only a few words are written on the whole page.